Meditation, Positivity, Prayer, SolaraSolstice, Spiritual

~Health is Our Natural State~We Are Healthy, We Feel Great~

We are familiar with nutrition as the food or nourishment that we put into our bodies for health. Yet, another major part of nutrition is what we feed into our minds. When we continually take in unbalanced thoughts and negative visuals with low vibrations, this is harmful to our mental and physical health. Similarly, if we regularly consume foods and liquids that are unhealthy, then this is harmful to our bodies and minds.

Bad mental food contaminates our thoughts and our quality of life. Digest the words of others and the words we think and speak to ourselves. Reflect upon the TV shows and movies you watch. Do they make you feel healthy, joyful, uplifted and vibrant? Or do they make you sick to your stomach, depressed, and tense with fear? What are the programs you watch programming you with? What are the words you think and hear programming and painting your life and world with?

“An unhealthy mind, even in a healthy body, will ultimately destroy health.”

Manly P. Hall

Everyone has an adverse reaction to negative thinking and overthinking, which leads to worry and stress. It is of upmost importance for us and our futures that we discipline our minds in a positive direction for our highest good and the highest good of all.

To help our minds stay in a positive place, there are many things we can do. Some ways are:

  1. Practice positive affirmations to train the mind in a positive direction and to increase positive energy into one’s life.
  2. Listen to music and read books or material with positive messages. Watch inspirational or educational TV Shows, Movies, etc. that will help your inner growth and lift up your Energy.
  3. Attune Yourself to the Calming and Grounding Energy of the Earth by working and spending time outside in nature. For example, working in a garden, planting trees, immersing your hands within the soil, or walking barefoot along the Earth charges the body with Positive Healing Energy, releases energetic pollution within the energetic bodies, and Calms the Body and Mind.
  4. Work with Crystals. Their Beauty Uplifts our Spirit and their Consciousness helps us to reflect and connect to our Divine Guidance within. (Visit our wellness boutique to see our large selection of crystals and altar supplies for inner growth!)
  5. Step outside the self to help another. By serving others we release the egoistic sense of “me” and replace it with the inclusive feelings of “we” and oneness. This shows us how to ‘think’ or ‘feel’ from our heart center and blossoms our Soul’s Growth. This also teaches us the interconnectedness of all things. Living within the Heart Center calms the mind and leaves a powerfully positive healing impact amongst all Life.

And there are many, many more! Please share below your favorite ways to calm and focus your mind on higher thoughts. I would love to hear from you! ❤

I created the affirmations or chant below for Health and want to share it. My wish is that it will help others too. During this time when thoughts of fear or negativity arise, push those aside and replace them with positive affirmations. Fill your mind with positive thoughts. Affirmations send out Positive Energy into the world and within the subconscious mind to attract them into our personal experiences and solidify their Truth in our lives. The chant below can be used during this time and after to instill the subconscious mind with the visualizations of inner health and joy.


Infuse your subconscious until you believe it and it becomes your consciousness. Once you Believe it, it is and have Faith in that Truth. 🌟

🌞For We are Divine Greatness and Health is Our Natural State🌞

Health is My Natural State
I Am Strong, I Feel Great.

Health is My Natural State
My Mind is Strong, My Mind is Great.

Health is My Natural State
My Body is Strong, My Body is Great.

Health is My Natural State
My Energy is Protected, My Energy is Great.

You can create affirmations for anything that you may mentally need help with by stating ‘I Am’ and following the statement with the desired feelings and outcomes. For example, ‘I Am Loved’, or ‘I Am Talented’, ‘I Am Calm’, or ‘I Am Happy.’ Develop affirmations that resonate with you. ‘I Am’ is a strong, concrete statement that immerses your thoughts in the Now, knowing you are complete and in the right place at every moment.

With Love and Light to You. ❤ Stay Relaxed and Calm in Love~ God’s Guiding Light and Grace, the firmest foundation of them all. Through our imagination and thoughts we paint our paths in life and create our stories. Let one’s imagination positively construct a world we want to exist within. A world where all can experience the bounties, health, and joy that is Divinely all of ours to experience together.

~ I Radiate Love to Everyone and Wish the Brightest Blessings for All ~ We are Healthy, We are Nourished, We are Bountiful, We are Safe~ for We descended from ‘Heaven’ into this Earthly Experience to Learn that we are the Divine Spark of God (Source, Universal Light, whatever one wants to name it) and we Ascend in Love.💕🌄

Sweet Earth Angels 💕
~May We Be Strong in the Storms of Life~

With Love and Light Children of the Light,


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