Artwork, Blessings, Cosmic Consciousness, Crystals, Earth, Energy, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Infinite Spirit, Inner Growth, Intention, Kindness, Love, Love Consciousness, Manifestation, Mental Health, Messages, Mindfulness, Nature, New Age, New Year, Photograpy, Positive Mindset, Positivity, Relax, Release, Soul Message, Source, Spirit, Spirit Guides, Spirituality, Spring, Starseed, Sun

Light Work~ Healing and Development of Our Soul

Meditating on feelings of Love, I was awareness 'outside' my body, immersed in vast Oneness and Bliss. But truly there was no 'inside' or 'outside' for all those boundaries dissolved and Love was the only Language, and this Language was more of a feeling… No separation from eachother or from anything else, but a Life… Continue reading Light Work~ Healing and Development of Our Soul

2021, Affirmations, Angel, Art, Blessings, Collective Consciousness, Crystal Healing, Crystals, Dreams, DreamWeaving, Earth, EarthTreasures, Empath, Energy, Faith, February, Inner Growth, Intention, Joy, Law Of Attraction, Life, Love, Love Consciousness, Manifestation, Mental Health, Messages, Mindfulness, Miracles, Nature, New Age, New Earth, New Year, Painting, Photograpy, Positive Mindset, Positivity, SolaraSolstice, Soul Message, Spirit, Spiritual, Starseed, Sun, The Veil, Watercolor

Cosmic Wisdom in the New Age of Aquarius

You are the Visionary Souls of the New World Guided by the Love for One Another. Helping Create a World Aligned with the Highest Values for Humanity, Mother Earth, & All Her Creatures. And How Beautiful, Bright & Colorful it is!

Meditation, Positivity, Prayer, SolaraSolstice, Spiritual

~Health is Our Natural State~We Are Healthy, We Feel Great~

~Let Your Soul Be Free to Shine Forth the Divine Greatness that Your Are~ We are familiar with nutrition as the food or nourishment that we put into our bodies for health. Yet, another major part of nutrition is what we feed into our minds. When we continually take in unbalanced thoughts and negative visuals… Continue reading ~Health is Our Natural State~We Are Healthy, We Feel Great~